
URL Rank Tracker can retrieve the page rank for specific search terms
URL Rank Tracker can determine the highest ranked page for an entire site
URL Rank Tracker is intuitive and easy to use
URL Rank Tracker can import lists of pages and search terms to check

Check For Updates
Not sure if you're using the latest version of URL Rank Tracker ?

You can check for updates below, or view the revision history log. If you have an eligible paid version of the app, you'll be able to instantly download any maintenance release for free, and you'll qualify to buy any major release at the lower upgrade price.

  • Enter PRODUCT ID
  • Click [Show Eligibility] button
    • if available, an eligible upgrade will be displayed
  • Select upgrade product
    • free upgrade - download ZIP file
    • paid upgrade - pay via PayPal and download
  • Refer to install instructions

PRODUCT ID What's This
Product ID
The PRODUCT ID is listed on the ABOUT dialog for paid versions of the application.
[include dashes]
Invalid Product ID
The PRODUCT ID is invalid. Check the ABOUT dialog of the application.

Upgrades are for paid versions of URL Rank Tracker. Visit the downloads page to download the latest demo version of the app.

When you buy URL Rank Tracker the first time, you'll pay the full price. Any subsequent major release qualifies for the lower upgrade price. So you'll only ever pay the full price once.

It is not required to purchase every upgrade to continue receiving the lower price. However, upgrade prices are kept low, so it is typically worth it to purchase each major release.

Some minor releases are free. All maintenance releases, which provide fixes, are free.

URL Rank Tracker costs less than $10

URL Rank Tracker can retrieve the rank for multiple pages and different search terms

URL Rank Tracker can help determine the success of search engine optimization

URL Rank Tracker is the must have app for SEO analysis


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