Product Overview
Determine website page position in organic search engine results

Track site rank for specific search terms

Check multiple search terms and multiple pages at once

Current Release
  revision history

Microsoft Windows
  full system requirements

Do You Know Your Page Rank ?

Easily Track Multiple Pages
Do you use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your site rank ?

Do you need to track rank for multiple pages and different search terms ?

URL Rank Tracker is an app that significantly simplifies the process of determining website page position in organic search engine results. URL Rank Tracker provides a quick and easy means for tracking multiple pages and multiple search terms on a regular basis.

URL Rank Tracker is so simple and versatile, once you begin using it, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it !!

Essential For SEO Analysis
SEO analysts can use URL Rank Tracker to track the progress of site improvement efforts. Marketing analysts can quickly determine how their business website is performing for specific search queries.

Check The Competition
Wonder how the competition does for certain search terms ?

URL Rank Tracker makes it simple to check out and compare how the competition ranks on the same search terms.

Site Or Page Rank
URL Rank Tracker can retrieve the rank for a specific page of the site. Or, URL Rank Tracker can retrieve the position of the highest ranked page for an entire site, for given search terms.

Need to focus SEO efforts on one specific section of the website ? Just include the directory at the end of the web address, and URL Rank Tracker can retrieve the highest ranked page within the specific section of the site.

Import And Export
The import and export of data in CSV spreadsheet format makes it easy to track the same information for multiple sites, pages, and search terms at regular intervals.

URL Rank Tracker makes SEO analysis and position tracking quicker, easier, and more efficient.

Costs Less Than $10
There are no subscription or usage fees, annual licenses, data limitations, time limitations, feature restrictions, or other pricing tricks that make you pay over and over.

URL Rank Tracker eliminates all the pricing trickery.
one-time payment, unlimited use, forever license


What Do Customers Say ?
It's a nice program you developed. Simple to learn, reliable, good support, and the perfect price.


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